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Personalizing GitHub Profile

How to customize a GitHub Profile?

Image by Author

How to make this?

Create a repository. 

Image by Author

The name has to be the same as your profile name.

Image by Author

Make it a public one and select the checkbox to add a README file.

Image by Author

Click Edit README 

Image by Author

You’ll see the following.

Image by Author

The file we are working on supports GitHub’s markdown. By selecting the Preview, you can see what is the output that the codes you made do there.

Image by Author

Remove the comments and see what happens.

Image by Author

The output is

Image by Author

There are a lot of tools that help to create templates for this. Or else, you can refer to the documentation to do more cute things.

You can fork my README file and can edit as you want to customize your own profile. Don’t forget to share some stars.

You can edit the codes and can create a much more magnificent way of showing yourself.

A GitHub profile README is a requirement, whether you’re making fun and animated version for your fellow devs to view or using it as a pseudo-resume for recruiters to look at. It gives visitors a better idea of your talents, hobbies, and, most importantly, who you are. 

Start now, if you haven’t already, and make your own!

Hope this helps. Share your thoughts too.


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